Sponsored by Ocean Bank, AG亚游集团官方网站AG亚游集团官网线路检测是一个11,000 square foot warehouse and distribution program that accepts donations of new and slightly used school supplies, educational materials, excess inventory, and company surplus supplies. The supplies are then made available, free of charge, 给迈阿密戴德县公立学校的老师们上课. As a result, 有需要的迈阿密戴德学生正在接受在课堂上取得成功的必要工具.
当谈到创造性的教学辅助工具时,教师们已经开始依赖 AG亚游集团官方网站海洋银行教材中心 to provide them with basic learning essentials and unique teaching tools to motivate their students.
教师可以每六个月(每年两次)免费购物, 或者在更多的情况下,如果他们自愿在仓库工作. 作为公立学校课堂免费教材的来源, 海洋银行中心已经筹集了1800多万美元的教室用品,并记录了超过32,自1993年开办以来,共接待了300名教育工作者, reaching 2.5+ million M-DCPS students.
我们正在与社区非营利组织合作,为学生和有需要的人提供物资. We invest in scaling the supply and distribution of materials for learning activities for children through nonprofit partnerships. Bulk shipments to schools in the fall and supply distribution during the 2021-22 school year will support children most vulnerable to the effects of an academic learning slide due to COVID-19.
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